Project Tag: <span>silly</span>

Episode 030 – Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of…

Fourteen year old Ronan Boyle is the thinnest member of the Irish police force, the Garda. This makes him perfect for a special mission involving the secretive branch of the Garda that deals with leprechauns and fairies, namely fitting down a narrow hole.

So begins Ronan’s career with the Special Unit, and his relationship with those hard-drinking swindlers, the leprechauns.

Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles by Thomas Lennon (reviewed by Mirabel Power, age 10)

Episode S16 – Mid-Life Crisis 2023

We’ve been doing this podcast for how long??? Seven years???!!! Do we even want to do this thing anymore?

Book Power for Kids tries to come to grips with a mid-life crisis and asks what else it could be doing. Also, someone buys a helicopter…

Happy April Fools everyone!